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About Me

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About Me

I have always been passionate about learning. I have devoured every assigned text, and I have loved sitting in classes where I have been able to learn from my instructors and my peers. In literature, I have found myself, and through writing, I have developed my own thoughts and learned creative ways to express myself. It is that passion that I wish to extend to my students as an English teacher.


I graduated from the University of Arkansas with an undergraduate degree in Creative Writing and I earned a cumulative GPA of a 3.72. My original academic work was published in the Journal of Delta Studies before my senior year. I recently earned a Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary English Education in May 2018. Throughout my time as a graduate student, I maintained a 4.0 GPA.


My first teaching internship was at Elmwood Middle School in Rogers, Arkansas, where I taught 7th grade on-level Reading. During my time at Elmwood, I was responsible for developing and implementing a unit in line with both district and Arkansas State Standards. I was also in charge of leading weekly Tier-2 intervention over reading comprehension, and I participated in a PLC and thrice-weekly team meetings. 


I recently finished up a full-time teaching internship at Bentonville High School in Bentonville, Arkansas, where I taught one section of English I to 9th graders, and multiple sections of English III to 11th graders. All of my classes were on-level. I had the opportunity to plan and implement a unit over rhetoric, in which my students analyzed viewpoints and biases found in multimodal texts, in accordance with Arkansas State Standards. In all of my classes, I believe that I facilitated a learning environment in which students are encouraged to learn from one another through discussion, research, and creation.


In addition to working with young people in a school setting, I have also worked with a young child whom I helped with language acquisition and physical skills. I have also volunteered at Bentonville High School’s ROAR, an after-school program designed for students who are often food-insecure, and need help with homework and life skills. Through all of these experiences, I have gained personal relationships with students and learned multiple instructional strategies.


I know that teaching is the right career for me. I feel energized and motivated by my students everyday, and I am astounded at the breadth of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that they bring to the classroom. I thrive on this, and I hope to cultivate motivation and dedication in all of my students. Most importantly, I hope to grow as a teacher and meet all of my students' diverse needs.


Please feel free to explore this digital teaching portfolio and learn a bit more about me. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me via email. Thank you for taking the time to learn about me!

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Fall Semester 2017

7th Grade Reading: Elmwood Middle School

Rogers, Arkansas

At Elmwood Middle School, I had the pleasure of  teaching 7th grade reading. During my time in Rogers Public Schools, I worked with diverse students and helped develop reading comprehension skills, implemented dialogic activities, and led weekly RTI-Tier 2 reading comprehension strategies to other 7th grade students.

Spring Semester 2018

English I & English III: Bentonville High School

Bentonville, Arkansas

At BHS, I taught one section of a 9th grade English I course, and three sections of 11th grade English III. I implemented a project-based learning unit where my English I class created documentaries to dismantle stereotypes present in their communities. Moreover, I co-taught and co-plan The Great Gatsby, oversaw the creation of photographic essays, and helped students produce their own micro-memoirs.  

May 12, 2018

Master of Arts in Teaching in SEED

University of Arkansas Graduation


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Publications & Conferences

April 13th, 2015

The South Goes to the Movies: Arkansas State University

I presented an original academic paper based upon Chris Rose's book, 1 Dead in Attic: After Katrina. Moreover, I participated in a panel discussing New Orleans culture and history.

December 2015

Decomposition of Humanity in 1 Dead in Attic: After Katrina

"Decomposition of Humanity in 1 Dead in Attic: After Katrina."Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies 46(3) Dec. 2015

November 16th-18th, 2017

National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention

Alongside a partner, I presented original academic work to beginning/future English teachers. This work was concerned with identifying and implementing students' literacy practices into the classroom. 



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